Multiple Exposure

1: dSLR on manual settings (set from2-10″ or bulb exposure) to be able to take the pictures

2: very dark room or nighttime outdoors so light doesn’t corrupt the final image

3: tripod to hold the camera still

4: human subject so there is movement in the picture (the multiple exposure)

5: strobe or flashgun to cause the multiple exposure

6: someone to serve as an extra pair hands to hold the light or to take the picture

7: aperture between f/8 and f/16 to be able to capture the flash exposure

8: camera on manual mode as ISO 100 to see if the room is dark enough to be able to shoot for this technique

9: pose wait for flash, then pose again so the multiple exposures actually happen

10: a single light source so the subject actually shows up in the picture instead of a blank, black screen

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